Contact Us

Plan your visit, leave a message, or submit a prayer request. We want to hear from you!

Worship Times

Bible study: Saturday at 9:15 AM

Worship service: Saturday at 11:00 AM

Prayer meeting: Wednesday at 6:15 PM


Lake of the Ozarks Seventh-day Adventist Church

2197 State Route 73, Macks Creek, MO 65786

Fellowship Meal

We have fellowship lunch every week except for fifth Sabbaths in a month. Enjoy a delicious vegetarian meal with plant-based options. Visitors are always welcome!

Mailing Address

Lake of the Ozarks Seventh-day Adventist Church

PO Box 36, Macks Creek, MO 65786


Voice messages may be left at (573) 319-2131.

Connection Card & Prayer Requests

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