Are medical expenses becoming a burden? Do you want to keep your family healthy? Are you tired of going to the doctor? Join us for this free natural remedies and healthy living seminar. Please register below to let us know how many people in your party will be attending.

Register for This Event

I will be attending the following classes (check all that apply):

10 + 14 =

Class Topics

Class 1: Natural Remedies

March 18, 6:00 PM

Learn how to make your own natural antibiotic.

Class 2: Charcoal and Clay

March 19, 6:00 PM

Learn how to use these ingredients for natural healing.

Class 3: Hydrotherapy

March 19, 7:15 PM

Learn how to use water as a natural treatment for various health conditions.

Class 4: Raw Foods

March 20, 6:00 PM

Learn about a natural diet that has helped people fight cancer and other “incurable” diseases.

Class 5: Mental Health

March 20, 7:15 PM

Learn about the power of the mind and how to take control of your feelings.